Hidden Figures

Segregation was present through the history of the United States and many other countries within the anglosphere. Perhaps the space did not only result in the improvement of technologies and science, but Hidden Figures shows us that it also yielded social improvements as well. When the need of getting the best of the best becomes greater than racism we get this stories of the pioneers of an ethnic group that has been pushed aside and labeled to not be meant to be in the academic or intellectual. Personally I enjoyed the movie, I have recently watched 12 years a slave. A movie that intends to show the horrors of slavery in the United States and I felt that Hidden Figures is not only its historical successor but also the soothing sequel. Hidden Figures came along with this R&B thematic and a group of women that was very confident of their value as a human being and the segregation was but an unfair obstacle to them. On the other hand most slaves in 12 years a slave  seem to have become hopeless as they slowly came to accept their fate of being treated like animals for the rest o their life. Looking at the attitude and the courage portrayed by these women was certainly uplifting.
 This movie also made me think about how computers have been taking the job of people since their very first days. It is hard to imagine any other scenario where an organization would need a massive amount of calculations and a system that would be able to ensure that those calculations were done correctly. I can´t imagine a way to deal correctly with this without using a computer. Even the slightest mistake on some computer's notebook could result in a whole mission blowing up. How did they deal with that?


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